water, Sanitation and Hygiene Assignments
Under Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH), we provide the following services: feasibility studies and designs, water surveys and audits, wash planning, solar water pumping system sizing and installation, and irrigation system design and engineering. Selected experiences include the following:
1. In March 2020, we conducted a sanitation and hygiene behaviors study for the “improving educational chances of children in Lilongwe District through holistic WASH interventions” project.
2. In 2019 we conducted water supply surveys and stakeholder consultations for the world bank funded “Drought Risk Assessment and Development of Drought Contingency Plans for Water Boards in Malawi” project Drought Contingency Plans for the Water Boards
3. In 2017 we participated in the assessment of rural water supply options for villages in Kanzimbe, Salima district for corporate social responsibility project for JCM Malawi on the proposed Salima Solar PV Project
4. In 2016 we participated in “Preparation of Sanitation and Hygiene Investment Plan for Mzimba Town” project for the Northern Region Water Board.

Figure 1: A WASH expert collecting water sample during the Mzimba Sanitation Planning project