About Us

Naturenv Consult is a Project Management and Sustainability consultancy firm registered in Malawi. We are passionate at providing innovative solutions for our clients to plan, monitor and control project delivery in a way that environmental, governance, social and economic aspects are adequately integrated in the entire project life cycle. We also provide engineering services in renewable energy and WASH projects.

Our Company

Naturenv Consult, is about integrating sustainability in projects.

At first, when the firm was registered in 2015, we were focused on providing design, feasibility studies, engineering and management solutions for Natural Resources, Energy and Environment. Hence, the name NatuREnv. Over the years we have narrowed our focus to the sustainable implementation of projects in order to help Malawi transition into a middle income country. 

In a period of over a decade we have successfully supported implementation of over 30 projects in various sectors. Our approach to assignments is more than providing the requested information or addressing the Terms of Reference; we pay attention to the Client’s needs and provide appropriate recommendations to help improve organization effectiveness and efficiency in implementing projects.

Vision, Mission & Values

Vision: To become a global leader of sustainability and project management.

Mission: To accelerate Malawi’s transition into a middle income country by integrating sustainability into projects

Values: Our services are guided and informed by our beliefs and commitments to:

i. Integrity: We are building our reputation as the most trusted firm. Therefore, at all times we strive to be objective, honest, fair and ethical; operating in the most transparent manner.

ii. Collaboration: We believe in the African proverb, “If you want to go fast, go alone, if you want to go far, go together.” Therefore, we balance individual abilities with collective expertise and skills; collaborations are based on mutual benefits and trust in each other’s skills and good intentions.

iii. Excellence: We strive to deliver quality products for the success of projects, and to maintain long term relationships with clients. Therefore, we invest a lot on research and innovation, and we are constantly seeking for feedback to improve our services.

iv. Impact: Our goal is to make a lasting impact in the society, contribute to the development of Malawi. Therefore, we endeavor to work with organizations who share our values, helping them to make the best out of ideas in order to improve project’s sustainability.