Environmental & Social Management Assignments
Naturenv Consult has successfully conducted numerous environmental and social management assignments including Environmental Screening, Environmental and Social Impact Assessments (ESMPs), Preparation of Environmental and Social Management Frameworks (ESMFs), Preparation of Environmental and Social Management Plans (ESMPs) and preparation of Resettlement and Livelihood Restoration Plans. The assignments involved desk review of documents including project design documents and relevant legal and regulatory frameworks; conducting baseline studies, stakeholder consultations and public participation; identification of project impacts, recommendation of mitigation measures and preparation of environmental and social management plans. Additionally, stakeholder analysis was conducted and training programmes were developed. Below is a selection of projects which we have conducted, contracted either individually as a firm or as part of an association or other firms.
1. Environmental and Social Screening and Updating of the Environmental and Social Management Plan for the National Network Connectivity for Malawi Research and Education Network (MAREN) under the Malawi Digital Foundations Project. Conducted in October 2020 in all the districts in Malawi.
2. Environmental and Social Screening for the Malawi Digital Foundations project, which among others included development of cellphone towers like the one in figure 1 below, installation internet fiber cables and wi-fi networks for markets and government offices. The assignment was conducted in June 2020 in all districts in Malawi.

Figure 1: A cellphone tower visited during the Malawi Digital Foundation Project study
3. Environmental and Social Impact Assessment for the “Proposed Extension Works for Mangochi Potable Water Supply, Upgrading and Extension of Liwonde Water Supply Including Balaka Town” project. The project was implemented in Balaka, Mangochi and Mwanza districts in 2019.
4. Preparation of Resettlement Action Plan for the Mozambique-Malawi 400 kV Power Transmission Project. The assignment was conducted in Mwanza, Neno and Balaka districts in Malawi in 2019.
5. Preparation of the Environmental and Social Management Plan for construction of Jankishoni Filling Station. Naturenv conducted the assignment in Karonga, Malawi in March 2019.

Figure 2: A canopy at Jankishoni Filling Station
6. Environmental and Social Impact Assessment for Proposed Upgrading and Expansion Works for Karonga Water Supply and Sanitation Project. Completed for the Northern Region Water Board in 2018 in Karonga, Malawi.
7. Environmental and Social Impact Assessment for the development of a 20 – 40-megawatt solar photovoltaic plant on a 168-hectare land plot in Salima District. Conducted in 2018 in Salima district, Malawi.
8. Environmental and Social Impact Assessment for the Proposed 100 Bed 4 Star Hotel at Livingstonia Beach. Conducted in 2018 in Salima district, Malawi.
9. Environmental and social impact assessment for the proposed Nkhatabay water supply and sanitation project. Conducted in 2018 in Nkhatabay district.
10. Environmental and social impact assessment for the proposed Chintheche water supply and sanitation project. Conducted in 2018 in Nkhatabay district.
11. Environmental and Social Impact Assessment for the Construction of Ntcheu Sports Stadium. Conducted in 2017 in Ntcheu district.
12. Preparation of Environmental and Social Impact Assessment for the proposed Mombera University. Conducted in 2016 in Mzimba district.
13. Revision of the 2003 Environmental and Social Impact Assessment and preparation of a resettlement framework for Mozambique Malawi Interconnection Project. Conducted from 2016 to 2017 covering Mwanza, Neno and Balaka districts in Malawi. The assignment was led by WSP of Canada.
14. Environmental and Social Impact Assessment and preparation of the Resettlement and Livelihood Restoration Plan for the proposed construction of a new water supply system from Likhubula River on Mulanje Mountain to Blantyre City. The assignment was conducted from September 2016 to March 2017, covering Mulanje, Chiradzulu and Blantyre districts.

Figure 3: The proposed intake for the Likhubula river to Blantyre water project
15. Revision of Environmental Impact Assessment Guidelines for Malawi. Conducted from 2014 to 2016 in Malawi.
16. Preparation of Environmental and Social Impact Assessment for the proposed Sustainable Energy for Rural Communities (SE4RC) Project in Nsanje and Chikwawa District. Conducted in 2016 in Chikwawa and Nsanje districts.

Figure 4: An ESIA expert assessing a project site in Chikwawa for the SERC Project
17. Preparation of Environmental and Social Management Plans (ESMPs) for the proposed “Construction of the Ebola Virus Diseases Treatment Centres project”. Conducted in Lilongwe, Mchinji, Dedza, Mwanza, Blantyre, Mzuzu and Karonga districts in 2016.
18. Environmental and Social Management Framework (ESMF) for the Southern Africa Regional TB in Mining Project for Malawi; and Infection Control and Waste Management Plan. The assignment was conducted from November 2015 to February 2016.
19. Environmental and Social Management Framework (ESMF) for the Southern Africa Regional TB in Mining Project for Zambia; and Infection Control and Waste Management Plan. Conducted in Zambia in March 2016.
20. Preparation of an Environmental and Social Management Plan for the Mzimba Integrated Urban Water and Sanitation Project. Conducted in 2015 in Mzimba districts.
21. Environmental and Social Impact Assessment Studies for the Proposed Phalombe District Hospital. Conducted in 2015 in Phalombe district, Malawi.
22. Consultancy Services for Chimgonda & Mpatamanga Hydropower Plants Environmental and Social Impact Assessment Study. The assignment was conducted in Nkhotakota and Blantyre districts in 2015. The lead consult was Fitchner from Germany.