Preparation of ESMP for Construction of Activities under MERP Shire Highlands Education Division

Recently, in December 2022 we were engaged by the Government of Malawi to prepare an Environmental and Social Management Plan (ESMP) for construction activities under the Malawi Education Reform Program (MERP) in Shire Highlands Education Division. The program is expected to construct school blocks and latrines in over 416 schools in the division; the ESMP is also to consider the recruitment of auxiliary teachers and mentors.

A school and a model of a shaduf in Malawi

The objective of the assignment is to undertake an environmental and social assessment and prepare an ESMP, complete with Environmental and Social Management and Monitoring Plans (ESMMP) in accordance with the Environment Management Act of 2017, Guidelines for Environment Impact Assessment of 1997 and World Bank Safeguards Policies.

The Consultant expects to conduct the following activities to complete the assignment:

  • Conduct field surveys of the project sites to appreciate the magnitude of project activities and determine their environmental and social footprint.
  • Review project designs and documents with information and data for the project area, maps and satellite images.
  • Conduct baseline studies to establish biophysical and socioeconomic characteristics of the sites and the project area before implementation of the project.
  • Review policies, legislations, regulations and environmental standards relevant for the implementation of the project.
  • Conduct stakeholder consultations to establish issues to be considered during the implementation of the project.
  • Identify, analyze, evaluate anticipated positive and negative impacts for the proposed project, and establish recommended mitigation measures.
  • Prepare environmental and social management and monitoring plans for management of the environmental impacts.

The MERP is supported by the World Bank, Global Partnership on Education and runs from 2021 to 2025. The programme aims at improving the learning environment in the education sector, particularly primary education. The goals and objectives focus on expansion of equitable access to education, improvement of quality and relevance of education and improved governance and management.